7 Eye-Opening Ways You Can Have A Healthier Mindset

Bekah Elisabeth
Published in
6 min readJan 6, 2023


A mug with the words SEE THE GOOD engraved on its side

Your mindset has a big impact on what you achieve in life. Anyone can benefit from a healthy mindset, regardless of what they do. Your mindset can shape how you view the world and your place in it. It can determine whether you’re optimistic or pessimistic about the future and whether you’re up for new challenges.

You can’t always predict what your mindset will be, but it’s important to consider how you feel about yourself, your abilities, and the world around you. You can change how you think about things by challenging negative thoughts and actively thinking about things from a different perspective.

A healthy mindset is important to lead a successful life. Achieving your goals, maintaining relationships, and feeling good about yourself is all dependent on your mindset. But what are the signs of a healthy mind and how can you improve yours?

In order to take responsibility for your own life and make changes, you need to know what a healthy mind looks like.

Here are 7 signs of a healthy mindset.

7 Tips for a Healthy Mindset

1. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Positive thinking is the key to a happy and healthy life. It’s a skill that will help you achieve success in all areas of your life.

It’s easy to get caught up in negativity, but it’s important to remember that we are only human and no one is perfect. Instead of focusing on mistakes, we should focus on what we can do better next time.

The most important thing to remember is that when you surround yourself with positivity, you will be able to see the world through rose-colored glasses rather than a dark lens.

In order to be positive, we need to focus on the good things in life. We should be grateful for what we have and try not to get upset about what we don’t have.

Here are some examples of phrases you could use to avoid feeling negative and foster a healthy mindset:

“I’m grateful to have a roof over my head.”

“I’m feeling really optimistic and looking forwards to a brighter future.”

“I’m grateful for the love I receive.”

Affirmations can be a powerful tool to help you think positively and move forward. These affirmations can range from positive statements about your past to positive statements about your future.

2. Practice Gratitude

The best way to start your day is to practice gratitude. And, in turn, you may start being nicer to yourself which will help you see the good things.

There are many ways you can practice gratitude in your everyday life. You can write down things that you are grateful for, write a thank-you note to someone who has made a difference in your life, or say out loud what you are grateful for each day.

Practicing gratitude is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining balance. It allows us to be more mindful of the things we have, which in turn helps us appreciate them more.

Gratitude has been shown to have numerous health benefits.

Research has shown that practicing gratitude improves physical and mental well-being, reduces conflict in relationships, increases productivity, and enhances creativity.

Gratitude has also been found to have a significant impact on health behaviors and outcomes. People who practice gratitude have been shown to smoke less, exercise more, eat healthy foods, and live healthier lives overall.

3. Make Healthy Food Choices

It is important to make good food choices because it affects your health, mood, and mental ability.

For example, if you eat foods high in sugar it can lead to a poor mood and low energy levels, which can affect your mental agility. If you feel mentally sluggish, it can be difficult to perform well in tasks that require cognitive skills such as reading and language.

There are many ways that you can eat healthily. You can start by planning out your meals in advance, cooking at home more often than going out, and reading labels when you buy packaged foods. These habits will help you eat healthier and live a happier life!

A healthy diet is a great way to keep your weight down and keep up your energy levels. It also helps to keep your brain sharp!

There are so many different types of foods that you can enjoy in order to get the nutrients you need. You’ll find it easy to make healthy choices when you’re surrounded by a variety of food options.

Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables will help you maintain a healthy weight. To keep your brain sharp, try eating foods high in protein like fish, poultry, and lean red meat.

4. Understand Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important part of a healthy mindset. It’s not about being selfish, it’s about being respectful to yourself and others.

Boundaries also help you maintain your self-respect and respect for others, no matter what the situation is. They help us maintain our dignity and self-respect.

However, they can be hard to define and it may take practice before you feel comfortable with setting them.

Many people struggle with setting boundaries because they fear that their friends or family will abandon them if they set limits on what they can do and when they can do it. Setting healthy boundaries is not about pushing people away, but rather about protecting one’s own well-being so that one can maintain a healthy mindset.

Set healthy boundaries that allow you to maintain a positive, calm mindset by making sure you have time for yourself each day.

This can be as simple as scheduling a set amount of uninterrupted time on your calendar each day that is just for yourself or it can be more involved, like setting up some type of daily practice such as meditation or centering prayer every morning before an important meeting with your boss to take some time for self-care.

Identify what you find to be your triggers and common stressors. This can help you think about how you could work with different people in a way that takes care of yourself. Sometimes it’s helpful just to recognize your own triggers and provide ways for yourself to take care during these moments.

For example, I found in my personal experience that sometimes when I’m feeling really passionate about something, I put so much energy into the work that it can lead to burnout over time. I’ve found that it’s important to take care of myself and get a break from my work when I need one.

I also find that it’s important to be able to step away from the work we do because sometimes an idea or thought can come up at any time and if we’re constantly working on something, there’s a chance we might miss opportunities if they arise.

A healthy lifestyle is not just about eating right and exercising, but also about having a mindset that helps us stay grounded in reality.

5. Indulge in Your Hobbies

You can’t constantly work all day, or you’ll end up exhausted. Having time for your own interests is important and helps you enjoy life more.

A lot of people think that success in life means always having to work hard, but that’s not true. Working nonstop just ends up exhausting you and makes you unhappy. You should take time for yourself so you can live a better life.

The key to a happy life is finding balance. It’s important to find time for things that make us happy, even if we have to sacrifice some other aspects of our lives. Doing things that we enjoy will lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.

It is important to set boundaries for yourself and indulge in your hobbies to have a healthy work-life balance. If you are passionate about what you do, it is okay if you put in a little more time than others but not all the time.

Final Thoughts

When we are in a good mindset, we feel better. We are more productive and creative.

To change your mindset, first, figure out what you need to change in your opinions. This can be a hard thing to do, but if you succeed then the rest of the big changes will come easier.

What do you do to maintain a healthy mindset?

Originally published at https://www.plnted.com on December 30, 2022.



Bekah Elisabeth

Self-taught writer and creator. Currently into wellness and personal development. https://bio.site/bybekah