Simple Daily Habits to Reclaim Your Busy Life

4 Daily Habits to Improve Your Life

Bekah Elisabeth


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash


Something you never really think about until they get in the way. Life is tremendously different for me than it was a few months ago.

As I continue to go through a huge amount of change I often think of how much I’ve changed too. I have new routines that I didn’t have before.

I have new skills and comfort zones too. I also have new friends, a new job, and a whole new set of goals.

And a shiny new bag of stressful things.

For an entrepreneur who wears many different hats change is a given. There’s no escaping it or getting too comfortable.

Because everything is changing all the time.

Managing change can prove to be a job in and of itself especially when you’re not prepared. Things can get extremely overwhelming if you don’t take the time to put your life systems into place.

Habits are an excellent way to ground yourself while still striving to reach your goals. They’re the things we do every day without thinking.

And they could be doing so much for us if we let them.

As life gets busier and time seems to disappear it can help to put in place a few habits that’ll make things flow a bit better. As they say, if you want to change your life starts with your habits.

Why Are Your Habits Important?

Help you focus on your goals

Committing to a habit every day can build a solid foundation in self-discipline.

It can help you progress toward your goals every day and motivate you to keep going. Building habits that help you attain the life you dream of is an underrated life hack.

For example, if your goal is to read one book a week, build a habit that allows you to read for an hour or so a day. Before you know it, you’ll have read 52 books this year!

They become who you are

By definition, a habit is something we do regularly without much thought.

The longer you stick to a habit the more you become what you do.

You can’t be a runner without running regularly. Or a vegetarian on Tuesdays. Habits are habits because they become who we want to be.

Because of this, we have to choose our habits wisely.

Helps keep you motivated

I don’t know about you but getting things done helps me well,….. get more things done.

Habits help put some things on autopilot allowing us more mental space and time to do other things we may not have time for.

For example, if we make it a habit to wash the dishes every morning before leaving the house, that’s one less chore on our list. And because it’s something we don’t have to think too much about, it becomes a less stressful chore.

Knowing we have these aspects of our lives sorted out can help motivate us to keep working towards our goals.

4 Daily Habits to Improve Your Life

Habits can make or break your success.

We all have a few habits that need a good kicking out the door. But there are also habits you can build that can make a world of difference in the way you feel, think, or do certain things.

Here are a few daily habits to improve your life:

1. Become a Morning Person

Or a least a mid-morning person.

We all know at least one person who’s always up and ready to go at the crack of dawn. That one friend at the door with coffee and their workout clothes on while we’re still wiping the sleep out of our eyes.

To tell the truth, that friend may be onto something.

Our brains are naturally more alert in the morning, making it a perfect time to be productive and carry out our routines.

Starting your day early can allow you to get tasks done faster and at a reasonable time. Plus you’ll have more time to do the things you enjoy most without losing sleep.

2. Have a Morning and Evening Routine

To help you turn “on and off”

Habits and routines go hand in hand. Routines can reinforce your healthy habits and give you more time to focus on other things.

They can also help you by acting as a mental reset so that you can start and end your day in a relaxed and predictable way.

Routines can be meditative and shouldn’t take much thought. If you want to start a routine think of one thing that would be easy for you to do every day.

3. Set aside time to Learn something new every day

To keep your skills and your mind sharp.

Keeping your mind engaged in things you’re interested in is a good habit that keeps you healthy mentally. Carve a handful of hours out of your day to read or study something you’re into.

Be open to learning new things and exploring different perspectives.

3. Don’t Skimp On Sleep

I say while laying awake at 2 AM…

How you sleep connects to your habits too.

Your evening routine can play a large part in how well you sleep at night. Habits like staying off your phone before bed or even a cup of your favorite herbal tea can help improve sleep.

Good sleep hygiene can help keep your mood up, energize, and boost productivity.

4. Plan, Plan, Plan

Like your day depended on it.

Planning can take an immense amount of pressure off of daunting tasks. Taking a few moments every night to plan your next day can boost productivity and reduce stress.

You’re able to focus on what you’re doing instead of wondering what tasks you should be doing. This saves time and prevents stress.

Final Thoughts

Life can get busy.

We can make it easy on ourselves by being consistent and building good habits. Then we can enjoy our time doing things we love.

These habits are just suggestions. Determine the habits that will help you reach your goals and take them day by day. Soon you won’t have to think about doing them at all.

Start small, try your best, and remember to always do what’s best for you.

This post was originally published on



Bekah Elisabeth

Self-taught writer and creator. Currently into wellness and personal development.